They say "the more things seem to change, the more they stay the same". Since my last entry I've had many things happen, and at the same time, "not much". The one thing that never changes is God's grace and faithfulness towards this useless servant. His streams of mercy, never ceasing!
I'm enjoying my choir singing very much. This past Easter Sunday I had the privilege of singing not only my favorite hymn: "In Christ Alone" with my best friend, but also Haendel's "Halleluyah", which ended up being majestic beyond words.
My personal life has had ups and downs, twists and turns, but two things I am sure of: I'm alive, and God loves me. So everything else doesn't seem that important, right?
My Gala... (*sigh*) My Gala turned four. It seems that she's four going on fourteen! She's so bright and curious and bubbly, and she makes my life sunnier. She wonders a lot, questions a lot, sings a lot. She's loving and an excellent negotiator. She's a great eater too.
Her baby days have slipped through my fingers like sand, but her company is the best.
She's in love with Mérida, where grandpa René moved.
She is a blessed child and I love her so!
Workwise, I was promoted yesterday. After six years (yes, SIX) I was finally offered a classroom! I pray for my future students, honored at the privilege it will be to leave my imprint in their lives...
Privilege I do not and will not, ever; take for granted. u_u
Life is good, God is good, so yup: I'm good! <3
This blog is dedicated to those of you not only currently make my life beautiful, but whom I know for sure aren't leaving my side. -Evah!- The map to this journey wouldn't be complete without you. God shall fulfill His purpose... I know.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Saturday, October 09, 2010
10-10-10 DaY ThE LoRd HaS MaDe!
Hace dos años que por primera vez pensé como sería el 10-10-10, día en que cumpliría 38 años. Como bien saben, nunca me ha molestado decir mi edad. Creo que quitarme años sería quitarle honor a quien honor merece, porque de verdad he sido bendecida. (También es cierto que *ejem* no me veo de 38, y pienso como una mezcla de una niña de 8 y una señora de 58). La realidad es que pasaré este día como TODOS mis días: con un perfil bajo, agradecida por sobre todas las cosas con Dios que en todo me ha sido bueno y fiel. Cae en domingo, así que estaré en mi iglesia que amo; ensayando con el coro que amo, interpretando a gente que amo, y más tarde en una sencilla comida con mi familia que amo. He pasado por muchas experiencias, no todas buenas, pero todas me hacen ser lo que soy hoy. Estoy agradecida por todo lo que me ha pasado, pues de todo he aprendido. He cometido errores, y pasado por pruebas muy duras; pero Dios es un Dios de segundas oportunidades y eso es enorme! No tengo rencor en mi corazón. Pocas cosas de las que aún me arrepiento y que he entregado a Él. Felíz de servirle en lo que en mi inútil naturaleza me pida. Los talentos y dones que me ha confiado no los tomo en vano. Tampoco el que me eligiera a mí, a mí! para mamá de esa tremenda princesa. De "regalo" quiero tiempo para disfrutar mi regalo de Navidad! jajaja (Una hermosa guitarra acústica negra). Mi gente protegida en oración, y mi corazón por completo a cada uno de ellos. Puedo asegurar qu lo mejor está por venir. Gracias, mi Padre. u_u<3
Este post está dedicado a todos los que de alguna manera se han cruzado en mi camino y han aportado a este mapa de experiencias que llevo dibujado. Ojalá yo siempre les deje marcas buenas. A mi familia, por supuesto. A mi Nonna, la mujer más hermosa del mundo. Y a mi querido amigo Juanjo. Ci vediamo, caro amico. Mi manchi! u_u<3
It was 2 years ago that I first started to wonder how 10-10-10 would be like; the date in which I would turn 38 years old. I have never had any hangups about revealing my age, doing so would mean diminishing many , many blessings. (Truth be told, I don't look 38! And I think like a mix between an 8 year old and a 58 year old lady...) I will spend this birthday like I spend ALL my days: very low key, and thankful for God has been faithful and true in everything. It's Sunday, so I'll be in the church I love, with the people I love, singing in the choir I love, signing to people I love... then having a low key lunch with my family, whom I so love. Happy to serve Him as He sees fit in this useless servant.
I've been through all kinds of experiences, good and bad; all of them make me who I am today.
I have learned a lot from them. Made mistakes, been through rough trials, but God is a God of second opportunities and that is HUGE! There is no strife in my heart. The talents I've been entrusted with I do not take for granted. Nor the fact that I was entrusted with being a mom to my mischievous princess. For a Birthday "present", I want time to enjoy my Christmas present! (My black acoustic guitar). My people protected in prayer, and my loyal heart poured out to each one. The best is yet to come. Thank you, Heavenly Father!
This post is dedicated to anyone who's run into my path and drawn a mark. I wear those marks proudly like a map of experiences. I hope I have in turn left good marks on you as well. To my family, of course. To my Nonna: the most beautiful woman ever. And to my dearest friend, Juanjo. Ci vediamo, caro amico. Mi manchi! u_u<3
Este post está dedicado a todos los que de alguna manera se han cruzado en mi camino y han aportado a este mapa de experiencias que llevo dibujado. Ojalá yo siempre les deje marcas buenas. A mi familia, por supuesto. A mi Nonna, la mujer más hermosa del mundo. Y a mi querido amigo Juanjo. Ci vediamo, caro amico. Mi manchi! u_u<3
It was 2 years ago that I first started to wonder how 10-10-10 would be like; the date in which I would turn 38 years old. I have never had any hangups about revealing my age, doing so would mean diminishing many , many blessings. (Truth be told, I don't look 38! And I think like a mix between an 8 year old and a 58 year old lady...) I will spend this birthday like I spend ALL my days: very low key, and thankful for God has been faithful and true in everything. It's Sunday, so I'll be in the church I love, with the people I love, singing in the choir I love, signing to people I love... then having a low key lunch with my family, whom I so love. Happy to serve Him as He sees fit in this useless servant.
I've been through all kinds of experiences, good and bad; all of them make me who I am today.
I have learned a lot from them. Made mistakes, been through rough trials, but God is a God of second opportunities and that is HUGE! There is no strife in my heart. The talents I've been entrusted with I do not take for granted. Nor the fact that I was entrusted with being a mom to my mischievous princess. For a Birthday "present", I want time to enjoy my Christmas present! (My black acoustic guitar). My people protected in prayer, and my loyal heart poured out to each one. The best is yet to come. Thank you, Heavenly Father!
This post is dedicated to anyone who's run into my path and drawn a mark. I wear those marks proudly like a map of experiences. I hope I have in turn left good marks on you as well. To my family, of course. To my Nonna: the most beautiful woman ever. And to my dearest friend, Juanjo. Ci vediamo, caro amico. Mi manchi! u_u<3
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Our first veggie garden project! May 2010
I haven't bloged in a long time, my love. But it is also true that we have spend so much quality time, just relaxing, enjoying, laughing and playing together... and I have become more jealous of what I choose to share... Last saturday you experienced your first wedding! And today we started your very own veggie garden. These are the pics.
The funniest part was when we planted everything and you spontaneously took out your kazoo (you're a natural!) and started playing fro the plants. Today was also the first time you asked to pray in the morning and said a complete and beautiful prayer, in Jesus' name. You amaze me every day. I am in love.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
FeLiZ CuMpLe TrEs, GaLa NoEl!!!
Marzo 8. Día internacional de la mujer, y tres años del día más felíz de mi vida. Siento un poco de remordimiento porque no he publicado fotos ni updates desde Septiembre. Culpo a Facebook, que lo ha hecho más fácil; sin embargo Facebook sólo es bueno para "telegramas" y no para rollos, y a mí me encanta echar rollo... Mi hija mide 98 cms., bastante para su edad. Es alegre, sana, curiosa, expresiva, pero sobre todo: felíz. Su vocabulario es extremadamente amplio para su edad, y disfruta muchísimas cosas.
Ama los animales, bailar, cantar, dibujar é ir al parque. Hasta ahora, lo único que no le gusta son los champiñones, y bañarse bajo el chorro de la regadera. Le encanta su escuela y hace amigos donde quiera que va. Lo más hermoso es su autoestima, que siempre está por arriba de todo. Es una niña segura y eso es lo que más le admiro.
Su color favorito ya no es el naranja sino el rosa. Aún ama los pepinos, los jitomates, los plátanos, fresas y uvas. Usa verbos que no existen, de maneras muy graciosas. Ama a su papá.
En honor de su cumpleaños, escribiré la pequeña crónica del día que nació; para que la pueda leer cuando crezca y a su mamá se le vayan los detalles más chiquitos... porque es una hermosa historia.
Miguel y yo fuimos a la consulta de los ocho meses, el 8 de Marzo de 2007. Gala estaba programada para nacer 22 días después, por lo que sólo debía ser una consulta rápida: Edgar (mi doctor, mánager y amigo) me revisaría brevemente y revisaríamos últimos detalles. Sin embargo, esta no sería una visita de rutina. Mis tobillos estaban un poco más gruesos y pensó en mandarme Apresolina para la presión. Y luego se empezó a reír... nos volteó a ver y preguntó: "Tienen planes para al rato?" "Porque nace HOY".
Miguel y yo nos vimos. "Creo que debo llamar a mis papás", le dije. "Vayan a casa por su maleta y los veo en una hora en el hospital". Recuerdo que me había comido una manzana de camino a la consulta y fué lo último que comí en las siguientes 36 horas.
Edgar salió a fumar y lo regañé. Ibamos tan nerviosos y emocionados rumbo a casa por la maleta, que llamamos a TODOS nuestros contactos del celular, incluyendo al mecánico!
Llegamos al Río de la Loza a las 7:00 pm, donde ya estaba mi amiga Silsa y su mami; mi hermano y una de las tres parejas de abuelos que mi afortunada hija posee (Los otros andaban en Mérida y Guadalajara). Miguel se cambió por ropa quirúrgica y me llevaron a preparar.
Meses antes yo le pedía a Edgar que me dejara entrar maquillada al quirófano. Quienes me conocen, saben que estar arreglada es muy importante para mí, y preferiría estar sin agua que sin labial. Edgar siempre dijo "NO", porque debía estar todo esterilizado.
Lo simpático es que un día antes yo había ido a alaciarme el pelo y a manicure y pedicure, y que con las prisas del "nace hoy" las enfermeras ni siquiera se acordaron de despintarme las uñas! Yo no quería ser de esas mamás que en su primera foto salen como si las huberan atropellado! Así que me salí con la mía y salí como actriz de la revista HOLA!
En el quirófano los doctores pusieron a Mecano, que me encanta y estuvieron contando chistes. Edgar me "durmió", por un rato (Miguel dice que hasta ronqué) y desperté cuando sentí a alguien practicamente sentado en mí, con las manos adentro de mi vientre. (Yo había pedido cesárea desde el principio. La idea de pasar una sandía por una fosa nasal nunca fué opción para mí).
Gala salió, se la llevaron a limpiar (como buena vegetariana, no soporto ver sangre en la carne, y menos si se trata de hueso de mis huesos y carne de mi carne!) y me la trajeron. Edgar dijo: "Vamos mamá, déle su beso que ya se va a descansar". Le dije "Happy Birthday" y le dí su beso. Todavía recuerdo su carita.
Me la llevaron a mi cuarto al día siguiente a las 10:00 am. La pusieron en mis brazos y me enamoré perdidamente y para siempre. Ese día le dedique muchas canciones y este blog.
Tres años después le dedico todo lo que hago. Anhelo compartir muchas cosas contigo. Quiero recibir una postal tuya de otro país y llorar de tristeza porque te extraño y felicidad por lo que estas viviendo. Quiero escucharte decir que estás enamorada, aunque resulte no ser "el bueno" aún. Quiero verte andar en tu bici, sentada al piano, jugando baseball, en un recital de baile, tomando mi labial rojo sin permiso... eso es lo que quieres hacer.
Quiero verte soñar, y como a la fecha; bailar con los ojos cerrados, columpiarte con los ojos cerrados, abrazar con los ojos cerrados... porque como tu bien me dijiste: a veces, si cierras los ojos, se siente más.
Felíz cumpleaños, mi gran tesoro. Todos te queremos!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Candids :)
You love that shopping cart.
At church. You also love going to church!
First day of school. You look adorable. I'm so happy that outfit still fits, because you're dressed EXACTLY like your doll.
Aunt Bebe gave you your very first nail polish. It's clear, but has little pink hearts floting. She did your 20 little fingers and you enjoyed every second of it. I put special scented lotions on your itty-bitty feet and hands. We played SPA. However this is something we will only do in vacation, to make it special. You've had a great summer and a great start of the school year. And your lunches rock so much I had to start a blog just for that. Love, Mommy.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
SuMmEr PiCs... part one.
So far it's been a great summer! You've already been to Acapulco and Hacienda Panoaya and had a blast! You had your first visit to the sea, being pushed by waves you didn't Looove, but the sand you did! You also visited another petting zoo in Hacienda Panoaya and you LOVED IT! The view from our room was beautiful. In fact, we all loved it so much we're going again next week, with your cousins! Busy and lovely summer! There are many pics, but I'll let them speak for themselves.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Our beautiful, silly, loving girl.
My sweet little one. You have grown up so fast... You are only 2 years 3 months and already reach my hip in height. You'll be tall like your daddy. You are such a chatterbox! (You'll talk like mommy, hee hee). You know 4 poems by heart, about 20 songs in english and spanish. You count up to 20 in spanish and up to 11 in english. You name most colors in both languages. You love dancing and spinning and you LOVE playing "Gala's party" with cake and toy guests.
You had your first official taste of cotton candy, you now say "I have an idea" for EVERYTHING. You are a bit rebellious at times and you have a hard time understanding why we put soooo many limits; but at the risk of sounding like a mother; "you'll thank us someday".
You are the light of my life. You have the self-confidence that I wish I had my first 12 years of age. You are a happy, confident kid. You are blessed, you are loved. Every single cucumber kitty I've cut for you at midnight is worth it 100%! These are your pics for the month:
Hide and seek is one of your favorite games now. Too bad you always yell "I'm he-re!" before we can start lookin'!
You had your first official taste of cotton candy, you now say "I have an idea" for EVERYTHING. You are a bit rebellious at times and you have a hard time understanding why we put soooo many limits; but at the risk of sounding like a mother; "you'll thank us someday".
You are the light of my life. You have the self-confidence that I wish I had my first 12 years of age. You are a happy, confident kid. You are blessed, you are loved. Every single cucumber kitty I've cut for you at midnight is worth it 100%! These are your pics for the month:
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