Friday, October 10, 2008

HaPpY 36 BiRtHdAy To Me!

I am 36 today!!! I'm so excited I wore a 36 on my shirt. Not that there's anything special about the number, I just love the way this year went so it can only get better, I think. 36 is a great age to be when you don't look 36. No hang ups, just blessings.

Gala is as beautiful as ever, and a little chatterbox; so she finds little ways to amuse us every day. (When you ask her "what do italians say?" she yells: "mamma mia!").

At the risk of falling into a cliche, I'll post the main reasons it's great to be 36:

1.- I have a beautiful family of people and kitties who love me and put up with me and don't hold things against me.
2.- I have a church of which I am a link of, where I am used to help others, and where my daughter will grow up in, physically AND spiritually.
3.- I do what I love. I read to kids in the morning and noon, eat with my hubby in the afternoon, play with ma baby in the evening, kiss her good night, and then craft, craft, CRAFT! Life is sweet.
4.- My age is much bigger than my dress size, and that's always a good thing! ha ha ha
5.- I'm too old now for bikinis and miniskirts and that is a good thing because I wasn't planning on wearing any! ha ha ha

No Sanborns today, went yesterday. Yes, I had the exact same thing I had with my Nonna every year on 10/10. Today we're going somewhere where there's a slide!

I'm not big on gifts (I'm much more a giver than a reciever), but I'm amazed how well-thought this year's turned out: shoes & a gorgeous indian scarf, a silver charm. Classical music, chocolate, yummy smelling body lotion, a photo album, handmade candied pecans in a beautiful croc, and not only a great looking novel but TWO! "The Shadow of the Wind" both in english and spanish so Miguel and I will read it simultaneously. And then
there's a bonus: sizzix die cutters and a funky, colorful necklace from ma sweetie, who woke me up today by singing to me. Ti amo, Amore.
Like I said: Life is sweet.

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